“XYZ BROADCASTING is a conglomerate of media outlets, including 3 radio stations and 1 TV station. This includes Radio XYZ, Power Fm, Volta Power , and TV XYZ. Our niche is in current affairs, politics, with a sweet touch of entertainment and lifestyle content. Flagship shows include: Inside Politics (2pm -6pm on Power Fm) Dwaboase (6.15am – 10am simulcasted on Power Fm and TV XYZ) Power Mid morning (10am – 12pm on Power Fm) Gumbe Show (Tuesdays and Thursdays 8pm on TV XYZ) Legends (Sundays 7pm on TV XYZ) Battle Ground (Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursday 7:30pm on Powrr Fm) Ideas Exchange (Wednesdays 8pm on TV XYZ ) My Lawyer My Counselor (Sundays 8pm on TV XYZ) 6pm News (Power Kasiebo) simulcasted on Power Fm & TV XYZ”
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