
    Save America: Help Register the Christians Who Don’t Vote!

    christians who don't vote
    Credit: Eugenio Hansen, OFS, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

    Billy Graham defined the problem:

    “Bad politicians are elected by good people who don’t vote.”

    Tragically, about 40 million Christians don’t take the existential threat of atheistic Marxism infecting our society through today’s Democratic Party seriously enough to even vote – 15 million of them aren’t even registered!

    Non-voting Christians were a huge percentage of believers eligible to vote (40 million out of 90 million) and also of the approximately 80 million non-voters in 2020. That 80 million is almost a third of eligible voters (257 million eligible, 237 million registered, 159 million voted). Given the slim margin between the presidential candidates in 2020, imagine if just 10% of those Christians had voted.

    How is it possible that so many who profess Christian morality are irresponsible about such a consequential civic responsibility with such grave moral and existential consequences as voting to conserve America’s Christian-inspired freedom formula?

    We must find them, register them – and save them from their folly while saving America by making certain they vote!

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    You can help them register on-the-spot using either of these websites:

    1. Charlie Kirk’s Turing Point Action,
    2. My Faith Votes, is the instruction page that will take you to the registration page.

    Especially important are “6,982,400 Evangelicals Who Didn’t Vote in Last Election in 6 Key Swing States.”

    Who should better comprehend the urgency of this threat than liberty-loving Christians who understand that Democratic Party policies (not necessarily individual Democrats) are anti-Christian because they are anti-family, pro-abortion-homicide, favor trans-mutilating children, pervert God’s intention for marriage, are anti-Godanti-Christian culture, anti-free speech, increasingly anti-American and anti-civilization, and embrace Marxism, which is overtly anti-family? We’re far beyond Ronald Reagan’s “A Time for Choosing” and now engaged in massive spiritual warfare.

    While our 2024 presidential ticket and Republican Party Platform have abandoned the pro-life cause, there are still important differences between each party’s platform on marriage, parental rights, religious freedom, limited government and preserving America’s Christian heritage.

    It’s scandalous that so many Christians don’t vote, are not registered to vote, or vote for the cult-like Democratic Party.

    How is Jesus is involved?

    If the Democratic Party’s Marxist policies, practices and promises,don’t shock non-voting Christians, perhaps they will comprehend the temporal and eternal consequences of supporting such malevolence in the context of Jesus Christ’s pledge to both bless those who publicly acknowledge him and condemn those who deny him:

    “Everyone who acknowledges me before others I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father. But whoever denies me before others, I will deny before my heavenly Father” (Matthew 10:32-33).

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    America’s founders acknowledged Jesus on behalf of the nation in the unamendable Declaration of Independence :

    1. as “Nature’s God” (first sentence), the moral authority for independence;
    2. as every person’s “Creator” (second sentence), the beneficent source of our unalienable rights and individual political sovereignty; and
    3. when offering two undisguised prayers in the Declaration’s concluding paragraph to the Christian understanding of God, manifesting in Jesus Christ. The first prayer, using Jesus’ well-known (to Christians) title, “the Supreme Judge of the world,” is for guidance. The second, to “divine Providence,” is for protection – yes, the Constitution (outlawing socialist tyranny that is inherently atheistic) is one answer to those prayers.

    Note: Thomas Jefferson was never a Deist, but a Trinitarian-believing Christian when writing the Declaration’s first draft.

    That prayer to Jesus as “the Supreme Judge” clarifies Jefferson’s less specific references to “Nature’s God” and “Creator,” and to Congress’ prayer for “the protection of divine Providence” (meaning, “in God we trust”), with an explicitly clear identification that Jesus Christ is the God to whom the nation perpetually prays for righteousness.

    To fully understand, read, “Yes, there is a prayer to Jesus in the Declaration of Independence!”, and “The God America officially thanks on Thanksgiving Day is Jesus Christ.”

    The founders acknowledged Jesus by incorporating the revolutionary theory of government defined in the Declaration of Independence into our Constitution (“one nation under [and dedicated to that] God”). That’s the “American Theory of Government” with its integral Christ-based “Chain of Delegated Authority” (Christ creates and endows Man who delegates only“just powers”to his servants in government) and that chain’s manifestation in the symbiotically linked Constitutionas the “liberty equation” inherent in the American form of government – that our rights are a gift from God.

    Yes, the Constitution that doesn’t mention God is based on the Declaration’s Christ-acknowledging prayer and liberty equation that protects our God-endowed rights. And, it has a 248 year history of not being the theocracy the secular (anti-God) left melodramatically/disingenuously fears.

    Consider these questions:

    • Since failing to vote constitutes tacit support for the Democratic Party’s naked attempt to fundamentally transform the United States of America, is that failure to vote a denial of America’s Christian acknowledgment of Jesus”before men” in the Declaration of Independence?
    • Will an actual vote for Democrats constitute an explicit denial of Jesus “before men” such that it will mean that Jesus must deny “before [his] Father” all those who vote for Democrats, including denying America if Democrats nationalize their denial of Jesus?

    America needs a revival of Christians who vote and who know Christians who don’t vote (or the millions of Christians who vote Democratic). We must motivate them to do their civic and Christian moral duty to vote and restore America’s historical acknowledgment of Jesus “before others” (“before a candid world,” the Declaration) and, thus, preserve Jesus’ blessings on America by saving the nation from the godless, America-hating Marxism systemically infecting today’s Democratic Party. Leftism is “The World’s Most Dynamic Religion.”

    This knowledge will be decisive if you, dear reader, register everyone you know, and pass this to your pastor, fellow churchgoers, family/friends, as well as to media personalities and publications that might republish it. This information could cause a revival that will motivate the Christian vote.

    Send your ideas for influencing non-voting and Democrat-voting friends, and join me to strategize at [email protected].

    Michael Nedderman is the author of the Preborn Americans United series“How to END abortion-homicide AND defeat Democrats in 2024,” “Yes, there is a prayer to Jesus in the Declaration of Independence!” and other columns. He wrote the eBook, “America’s Primal Prayer: Is Jesus Christ the God of the Declaration; Did the Founders Dedicate the Nation to Him; is the Constitution Woven From Christian Fabric; and Why Does it Matter?” Michael Nedderman can be reached at [email protected]Read more of Michael Nedderman’s articles here.

    Syndicated with permission from WND.

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