
    We are implementing measures to streamline small-scale mining

    The Chairperson of the Minerals Commission, Barbara Oteng-Gyasi, has noted that the Commission has implemented several measures to sanitize and streamline mining operations, particularly small-scale mining in Ghana.

    Speaking at the official Commissioning of Bibiani District office of Minerals Commission in the Western North Region, she announced that, in an ongoings effort by the government at clamping down on unauthorised use of heavy duty machinery by illegal miners, the Commission has established the Network Control facility for the tracking and monitoring of all earth moving and mining equipment in line with the Minerals and Mining (Minerals Operations Tracking of Earth Moving and Mining Equipment) Regulations, 2020 (L. I 2404).

    “This system will help track and ground unauthorised Earth moving Equipment,” she said.

    Also, the Community Mining Scheme has been instituted to create opportunities for host Mining communities, thereby reducing tensions among residents of mining communities and mining companies.

    She said to reduce water pollution, forest destruction, land degradation, and increase gold find by Artisanal Small- Scale Mining (ASM) operators, the Minerals Commission in collaboration with the Ghana Geological Survey Authority (GGSA) is undertaking Geological investigation to identify mineralised areas to be allocated for ASM operations.

    “This will not only increase gold production but will also help minimise the wanton land degradation and water pollution among others. In adherence to the Minamata Convention on Mercury, the Minerals Commission has procured mercury-free gold processing machines, otherwise known as “Gold Katcha” to support ASM operators on hire purchase basis.

    The “Gold Katcha” machine also increases gold find and earnings of ASM operators to support their families.

    In addition to this, the Minerals Commission in conjunction with the Western North Region Regional Security Council have formed a special taskforce to combat illegal mining in the Region to its barest minimum.

    This has led to the arrest and prosecution of some illegal mining perpetrators.

    She said the new office building for Bibiani District of Minerals Commission, being one of many that the Commission is putting up across the country as part of its decentralisation drive, will ensure that all our stakeholders benefit from the provision of our statutory mandate without the inconvenience of long travels to access our services.

    “In addition, this state-of-the-art building will ensure our operational efficiency, foster collaboration, and deliver superior services that meet the evolving needs of our clients.

    We recognise and applaud the efforts of all individuals and institutions who have invested time and effort to ensure that this dream materialises into a reality.

    By Benjamin Aidoo

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