Here are five women with rare genetic features
1. A black woman born with white hair
Bee Melvnin, nicknamed “real-life Storm” because of her distinctive white hair. She is a standout due to a rare genetic abnormality, garnering her the label of one of the most beautiful people ever seen.
2. The youngest-looking old person
Lure Hsu, a 48-year-old interior designer and fashion blogger, looks youthful despite her age. Her age-defying genes are passed down through her family, with her sisters Sharon (43) and Fayfay (47) appearing like they are in their 20s. Her mother, a retired dancer at 70 years old could be mistaken for their sister.
3. The girl who is almost completely white
Amina Ependieva has white-blonde hair, pale skin, one blue eye, and one brown eye, and her ailment causes melanin pigment loss in her skin, eyes, and hair. Ependieva’s extraordinary beauty stems from her rare genetic conditions: albinism and heterochromia.
4. Woman with birthmarks all over her body
Yulianna Yussef was born with a congenital melanocytic nevus, a birthmark caused by improper pigment cell formation. Despite being referred to as “Dalmatian” and “Cow,” Yulianna now wants to end the stigma associated with skin problems.
5. Woman with the darkest skin tone
Sudanese model Nyakim Gatwech, also known as “Queen of the Dark,” has a unique dark skin tone. She is the rarest black beauty and has entered the Guinness Book of World Records for the darkest skin ever seen on earth.
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