
    How beans and gari help produce high-quality sperm, ovaries – Nutritionist

    Speaking in an interview with 3Fm, Mr Amese explained that the rich nutritional value of the combination makes it unrivalled when one wants to have high-quality sperms.

    “For quality sperms and ovaries, Gobe is number 1. Oh yes! The popular Gobe we know. Boiled beans with your oil. Then you garnish it with your plantain, some gari or some pear. That is Gobe. That is because it is very rich in fibre,” he said.

    Adding that “So all foods that are high in fibre are essential for good sperm quality. It is very rich in protein. Gobe has very rich protein quality. Because in protein diets, the quality of the protein is also important. Then it’s very high in carbohydrates. It also has micronutrients. So when it comes to sperm quality, micronutrients are very important.”

    4 inexpensive ways to boost your sperm

    Here are simple ways to get healthy and thick sperm:

    Regular exercise will not optimal sperm health and mobility but helps to shoot further than ever before.

    It’s not just about exercising specific muscles that might help though. A 2013 study found that men who exercised often had higher sperm counts that men who didn’t.

    As the study’s author noted, “weightlifting has been shown to increase testosterone levels and improve insulin sensitivity. Both of those have been related to higher sperm concentrations.” So start pumping some iron.

    Everybody knows that drinking too much alcohol affects your liver which causes your estrogen levels to rise. This will interfere with sperm production because estrogen, not testosterone, will accumulate in your body.

    According to UK health officials, alcohol affects your testosterone, libido and sperm levels in a variety of negative ways, including hurting your body’s ability to ingest Vitamin A: which is crucial for semen production.

    The more times you ejaculate, the less dense your semen will be. If you have sex every day, or worse, masturbate furiously, then chances are that your sperm count and semen density will not be up to par according to

    You are what you eat. If you want nice and thick semen, make nutritional changes to boost your sperm count. Eat oysters for sperm production, garlic for mobility, bananas for libido, ginger for testosterone and other food. Every man should try and add salmon and tuna to his diet and avoid processed meats which can be quite bad for sperm count.

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