
    White House Terrified of MAGA Republicans Being Named to Committees Investigating Biden Administration

    The White House on Wednesday issued a blistering statement regarding America First Republicans being named to the House Oversight Committee, a sure sign that the administration is concerned about potential investigations.

    The Political Insider reported earlier this week that conservative Representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA) and Paul Gosar (AZ) had been reinstated to committee assignments and named to sit on the Oversight panel.

    Reps. Lauren Boebert of Colorado and Scott Perry of Pennsylvania were also named to the committee.

    White House spokesperson Ian Sams issued a statement condemning the addition of the MAGA lawmakers.

    “Chairman Comer once said his goal was to ensure the Committee’s work is ‘credible,’ yet Republicans are handing the keys of oversight to the most extreme MAGA members of the Republican caucus who promote violent rhetoric and dangerous conspiracy theories,” he raged.

    Think they’re scared?

    RELATED: Promise Kept: Marjorie Taylor Greene, Paul Gosar Reinstated to House Committees

    White House Not Happy With Who Republicans are Placing on Oversight Committee – Good

    The statement coming from the White House also provides links to examples of the MAGA members’ alleged “extremism.”

    • Of Greene, they linked to her controversial remarks prior to becoming a member of Congress in which she accused Nancy Pelosi of treason, something “punishable by death.” Please – Do you know how many times Donald Trump and his supporters have been accused of treason?
    • Of Gosar, they linked to an article about him posting a parody cartoon showing an anime version of himself attacking President Biden and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Please – No serious person took it as a serious threat. Because it was a Japanese cartoon. With swords.
    • Of Perry, they point to a report in which he rejected a subpoena from the January 6 select committee. Please – As we learned from Adam Schiff recently, subpoenas are optional.
    • As for Boebert, her biggest transgression as an ‘extremist’ was downplaying the Capitol riot. Please – While the riot is cause for a national day of remembrance at the White House, most Americans are already over it.

    Boil it down, and the White House examples of Republican ‘extremists’ on the Oversight Committee are pretty tame.

    It’s also rather amusing hearing them attack the ‘credibility’ of the House Oversight Committee when we were supposed to take the efforts by the highly partisan January 6 committee super-serious.


    RELATED: Ted Cruz Absolutely Obliterates Newly Committee-less Democrat Eric Swalwell Over ‘Bet’

    ‘Joe Biden, Be Prepared’

    So, why is the White House seemingly beside themselves over the additions of conservative Republican lawmakers to the Oversight Committee?

    As CNN writes, “The addition of the hardliners will give them the ability to shape some of the most aggressive investigations into the Biden administration.”

    On cue, Greene issued a statement indicating the President better buckle up.

    “Joe Biden, be prepared,” she wrote. “We are going to uncover every corrupt business dealing, every foreign entanglement, every abuse of power, and every check cut for The Big Guy.”

    Can’t speak for Joe, but we’re definitely ready here. Popping the popcorn as we speak.

    Time to get to work ladies and gentlemen.

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